Go figure...I deep clean my house, actually start to feel like maybe, just MAYBE a baby could actually live here, and people start getting sick! Guess I should have left my house a pig stye!
Last weekend Cameron was complaining of a sore throat and cough. He hasn't mentioned it again for a few days, but the other day Chris said his throat was feeling a little scratchy. Great!
Poor guy hasn't been feeling well for a couple days now and on top of the scratchy throat and sinus crap, he ended up getting a migraine today too!
Keric..well he isn't a complainer, but once in awhile he will say something about not feeling well, having a headache, fever, or something! I'm never sure if he is just repeating something he has heard somewhere else, or if he really doesn't feel good. Usually I can respond with, "Well maybe you need to go to bed then so you can feel better." and if he says "OK" then I know he really doesn't feel well, but if he says "I think I'm feeling all better now" I know he is just pulling my leg.
Me...well I'm just pregnant! I guess I am to the 2nd phase of exhausted all the time. I have a little bit of a stuffy nose, but I'm mostly just tired, nothing too serious.
So when Keric asked me if he could just wear his jammies today and not clothes, I said SURE...! We can have jammie day at home.
I kind of do think he honestly doesn't feel very well. He has been extra snugly on the couch today, not wanting to leave my side at all, he is FREEZING cold, His little hands and feet are just ice cold, and he was more than happy to go up and take his nap today, which was about 3 hours long!!
He asked me for medicine a few times today, but thankfully he doesn't have a fever or anything. I told him medicine was only for fevers and I assured him he didn't have one of those. He then told me he was sure that if I gave him some soda, his tummy would feel much better! HA!
I hope that whatever it is that we seem to have AGAIN...goes away quickly, and STAYS away! I'm just thankful this bug didn't come with any of the "throw-ups!" Or at least it hasn't so far....!
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