Happy Leap Day!
Today officially marks exactly one more month until my due date! This pregnancy has gone by so quickly up until a couple of weeks ago. Now an entire month feels like a YEAR!
At this point in my pregnancy with Keric, he had already been born. He was about two days shy of 36 weeks, and I will be 36 weeks tomorrow! I think my body may remember this little fact, and is now getting a little impatient with it's house guest. I have been tired and achy for awhile now, but for whatever reason I felt 10 times more so today?? I feel like it takes SO MUCH energy to do the dumbest things, and by the time the day is over, I'm embarassed at how LITTLE I have done.
I didn't by any means expect this baby to be born early, nor did I WANT him to be born early. Keric's being born early was scary and stressful and I honestly didn't want to have that happen again, but I have to admit, there is a small part of me that is a little sad, for lack of a better word, at the reality of this baby "baking" for another full month!
I guess that gives Chris another full month to get some more work on the basement done, and me another full month to REALLY get ready for Carson to make his grand entrance. I would be lying if I said I was anywhere NEAR ready for him to come, but you know...sometimes the little aches and pains and discomforts outweigh the reality of the situation.
Tonight Chris went to Home Depot to get some things for the basement, and on his way home he stopped at Wal mart to grab a few things. I still have yet to feel like going grocery shopping, so bless his heart, he did some of it for me tonight. It also dumped a good 6 inches of snow this afternoon, so I was more than a little grateful to not have to go out in it!
When he got back he came in carrying a black bean bag for Keric's new pirate room. Last week we did kind of a mini make-over of Reagan's room for her. We got new bedding and curtains, and a few other little things to kind of make her room more of a "big girl" room. One of the things she wanted was a bright pink bean bag in the corner of her room.
Since that day Keric has been obsessed with this bean bag! I catch him in her room all the time just sitting in it, or trying to "steal" it and put it in his room. He tells me that he needs one so he can read his books and sleep. I don't know how you would sleep very well in such a tiny bean bag, but he seems to think it would be pretty fun if I let him sleep in it one night! Crazy boy! I finally told him that maybe we could get him a bean bag for his new room someday so he could in it and read books. I guess thanks to his Daddy, today was the day.
Now each kid has a bean bag for their room. Tonight they each grabbed their bags and brought them down to watch a movie before bed. I think there was more playing on the bags than actually watching the movie, but oh well. It was actually kind of a dumb movie anyway. :)