Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 2, 2012

Today was kind of a go, go, go day, with LOTS of things happening, so I apologize for the long post, but this blog is more for me to remember the details of this year, so I guess no one is MAKING you read it all! :)

I knew that today was going to be a busy and hectic day, but I'm not sure my poor big pregnant body was as aware and prepared as my mind was! :)

I got up and got myself ready and Keric ready for school . After a few tears and tantrums he got his show and tell ready, coat and backpack on and we even got there ON TIME. However by the time I got home I was hurting so badly, I was in tears.

When I had my hip replaced, almost 2 years ago, one of the things we talked to Dr. Bertin about extensively was my ability to have more children once my hip had been replaced. We talked to him about the type of hardware I should have put in, which kind was safest, when I could start trying to have another baby, and whether or not the strain of pregnancy and childbirth would have an effect on my new hip.

He assured us that he would put the best hardware in my hip so as not to have too many ion metals in my body that could possibly affect the baby. He told me that I could start trying to have a baby as soon as six months after my surgery, although he personally would probably wait at least a year. He also assured us that the pregnancy and childbirth itself would not hurt my new hip.

Up until a couple days ago, I wasn't really worried about my hip at all, but I think Carson has dropped pretty low into my pelvis, and every time I walk I literally feel like my hip is going to fall out of its socket. It hurts so bad, and I am so uncomfortable that I guess I just finally broke down into tears!

I kind of had to take it easy the rest of the day, and over time it seemed to feel a little better. In fact by the time we drove into SLC for my 3:30 p.m. appointment with Dr. Holmes my hip felt 100 times better. I still feel like I'm walking with a bowling ball in between my legs, but at least I wasn't crying about it!

My blood pressure is still good, so I have avoided bed rest yet again (YEA!) and all those contractions that I have been having this week are actually doing something. I am now 3cm dilated and 60% effaced! So that made me feel a little better. Nothing like being in horrible pain for nothing!

As far as my hips go...well not much anyone can really do about that. It's just kind of the joys of the last few weeks of pregnancy, and also probably has more to do with where Carson is positioned right now.

I actually found a whole message board on line with women who have had total hip replacement surgery and had children after their surgeries. A lot of them complained about how the last few weeks or pregnancy they were hardly able to walk because of the spreading of the hips and ligaments, and many of them went on to have regular births, those who had C-sections had them because that's the way their other children were born, and ALL of them said that the pain went away a few weeks after giving birth and their hips were just fine. So that made me feel MUCH better. Not that I don't trust Dr. Bertin completely...but you know, you always second guess something when your in the middle of it I guess. :)

My appointment went well. Sadly I gained a pound, but I'm hoping it was because of the shoes I had on! ;) Dr. Holmes said that when I come in for my next weeks appointment on the 9th she would strip my membranes and see if we could get my labor to progress. Carson is about 7 1/2 - 8lbs right now, and anything after 37 weeks is considered full term, so his lungs would be developed and he wouldn't have to be in the NICU or anything.

We are all kind of hoping that stripping my membranes will lead to my water breaking, and him coming a little early so that he hopefully doesn't get much bigger. She said that she had done this procedure to 4 other women that week, and everyone of them had their water break with in four or five hours, and had their babies that night! I SOOOOOOO hope that is what will happen for me, but I know there really is no guarantee either way.

So fingers crossed that he either comes on his own this week, or he will come very quickly after my next appointment. March 9th or 10th sounds like a great day for a birthday! :)

After my appointment we had a couple errands to run in SLC. I was feeling good enough that I was able to do most of them. A couple I stayed in the car for, but for the most part I was OK.

We went to Costco to pick up a few things, and while we were there Chris decided that I had waited long enough for a new camera and bought me the camera I have been wanting for months now. I've always admired the SLR camera's from afar, and thought how fun it would be to actually have one, but they really aren't camera's that you just run out and buy. They are much more of a commitment than a point and shoot camera, and cost a lot more too!

I kept telling him that I didn't need one, and that it really wasn't necessary, I could continue to save my birthday and Christmas money, but he said I had waited long enough, and I shouldn't argue. The only "condition" he had was that I couldn't put it all over facebook! ;) Well...I didn't say anything about it on facebook, but he never said I couldn't put it on the blog! :)

I haven't had a lot of time to really dive into it and play with it, but I am SO EXCITED to sit down with it and just play with it for a few hours!

You all thought I had a lot of pictures of Keric...well you haven't seen anything yet! Poor Carson is going to be LIVING in a 24/7 photo shoot I'm a afraid! :)

A girl has to have a hobby right?? :)

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