Bummer!!! I am STILL here in the Hospital! :(
I guess when you have a C-section it is just "required" that you stay at least 3 days, and insurance even pays for 4 days if you want. UGH! I do NOT want an extra day, the three is enough! Not to mention my little sick episode yesterday is not really helping my case for "I am well enough to go home."
Thankfully Chris is good to sneak food in for me, spend the night here with me, and help me to not be so sad about having to stay another day longer than I had planned on.
The nurses here are wonderful, and I really do love LDS Hospital, but there is just something about being HOME. I think I would get better a LOT faster if I were in my own bed!
At least I got to take a shower today and am totally free of ALL needles, machines, IV's and whatever else they had me hooked up to! It's soooo nice to not have the constant beeping all day and all night long! However I can still hear the beeps from the same machines going off on the poor woman in the room next to me!
So here we sit...hanging out, waiting for our "time to be served." ;)
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