Today bubby and I went grocery shopping, another one of my favorite mom chores to do! Is is just me, or does food get more expensive by the week?? Good grief! It was so much more fun going with my Mom when I was a little kid, and didn't have to worry about how much everything cost!
Of course they have had their Valentines Day things out for almost a month now, but this is the first time I actually paid much attention to them. I have a real problem with how the stores jump from one holiday to the next so quickly! It's not real fun to walk into a store on December 27 and see Valentines day chocolates, cards, etc. all over the store! I mean come on! Do people REALLY shop that far in advance?
Anyway, I was just going up one aisle and down the other, (just like my Mom shops ha ha), and I found myself in the Valentine aisle. I, like everyone else, am on a New Year's Resolution diet, so I had no intention of buying anything, even though it ALL looked SO GOOD! I was just walking up one aisle and down the other. However one thing did catch my eye. Cinnamon Heart Candies!!
My mom used to buy them all the time around Valentines day and I LOVED them! Plus they always remind me of her. I couldn't help myself, I had to buy one little carton. I figured at least it wasn't chocolate! So I bought my little Cinnamon hearts and got home and opened them. I was so excited to have my first Cinnamon heart of the season!
I pulled one out and took a little bite, and GROSS! What happened to the ones my Mom used to buy??? Obviously they weren't this brand or else the brand has gone way down hill! They weren't hot at all, just kind of gummy and sugary, and they were just a real huge disappointment!
So lesson learned. Don't go down the stupid Valentine Candy aisle, you will get sucked in every time, and when you're on a diet, STICK to the diet, or else you end up wasting $2.50 on gross candy!
I guess at least I wont be tempted to eat them. Maybe they'll be dinner for the garbage can tonight!
Oh, I'm so sorry. Maybe it was for the best since they're no doubt high calorie but you do have to buy the right brand. Brach's if they have them or here at home, Western Family is good. I'll send you some! Mom