So the whole point of this "project" is that you are supposed to take a picture everyday and then obviously post it and put a caption of some sort on it. Mine usually end up being huge long stories, but the point is that I have done that faithfully since Jan. 1 2009. Some days I get a little frustrated with this project because more things happen on some days and I have TONS of pictures, and then there are days like today where I am struggling to find something at least semi picture worthy.
True, I could have taken a picture of Keric throwing ALL the wipes out of the box and onto my floor this morning while we were trying to get ready for Church, but I was a little too upset to take a picture of that at the time. I also could have taken a picture of the tantrum he threw in sacrament meeting, but that would have been a little tacky a. because the tantrum was not at all flattering, and b. because taking a picture in sacrament meeting, especially of a tantrum, is pretty sad. I also could have had someone take a picture of the big smile I had on my face when they announced that we were changing to the 11 a.m. schedule on Aug. 30, but there again...tacky. I was getting Keric's bottle ready and getting ready to take him up to get ready for bed, I saw Chris snuggling him on the couch. He was singing or talking or doing something in Keric's ear, and it was helping him not to scream so loud for his ba-ba. So I thought...perfect, here is my picture of the day! So I took this really cute picture of the two of them on the couch only to be informed afterwards that "That isn't going on the blog!" When I asked why...Chris informed me that he had appeared on the blog the day before (true) and that he didn't want to appear two days in a row. I didn't know this was a rule?! Note to self for next time I guess??
So I was going to just put it on here anyway, and deal with the consequences later when I discovered something. I don't know who, I am assuming Cameron, and I don't know why, again I assume, just because they were playing around, took this picture of Reagan and Chompie. I have no idea what they are doing, I can only yet again assume, she is telling Chompie "No" about something, but as luck would have it, the date stamp was Aug. 2. is a random, rather blurry, picture of Reagan in her big huge night shirt that she loves, doing something with Chompie. Fabulous picture I know! ENJOY!
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