A couple weeks ago when Keric went in for his 15 month checkup, Dr. Barr said that the bottles had to go for good! He is at the age now where bottles are more of a comfort item, and his teeth could start getting bad if we continued to put him to bed with a bottle.
Getting rid of his bottles was really not what I wanted to hear, but I knew it was coming. So we went cold turkey the next day. I showed him his bottles and showed him the box I put them in. I told him the bottles were all gone now, and showed him where I was putting them. I don't think he cared at all, but I did it anyway. I thought maybe there was a chance he would understand some what. He does love the straw sippy cups, so that wasn't as hard as I thought, but the going to bed with no ba ba part was not fun! I felt so bad for him! He missed his "ba ba" so bad, and he would scream and cry for so long before he would wear himself out and finally just go to sleep. For a couple nights he would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and crying too. It was horrible!
Well...it's been two weeks now since we took the bottles away, and he is going to bed and down for his naps without them fairly well. I did what the books suggest doing, and replaced his bottle with another comfort item. He has this little stuffed puppy that I have been putting in bed with him. At first he could have cared less about the puppy, but lately he has been snuggling up with him. It's so cute. I miss the little ba ba face, but this one is just as sweet.
Bye Bye Ba-Ba's. You were a good friend to us all!