This was my BEST friend today!! A big Diet Dr. Pepper fountain drink from Maverick! (Notice it is basically all gone.) I would have preferred the real stuff, but well...ya know...I'm fat, so can't be doing that!
Keric decided that it was time to wake up at 3:30 this morning! Usually I can give him a bottle, and snuggle him back to sleep, but he wasn't having ANY of that this morning. He didn't go back to sleep until about 5:30 a.m. after screaming his head off for two hours! Chris had to get up at 6, and then Keric was promptly back up again at 6:30. I was DYING! It also didn't help that I didn't go to bed until about midnight! So so stupid!
Try as I may, I couldn't get him to take a nap this morning. I knew he was tired, he cried and cried and cried, but would not fall asleep for more then 5 or 10 mins. This of course meant,that I also didn't get to take a nap this morning!
Wednesday is half day at the Elementary school, so I had to be in Grantsville by 1:00to pick up the kids from school.
I was supposed to have Activity Day's today, but I couldn't get a key to the church, and I couldn't get any of the stuff that we needed for our activity, so I had to run around trying to catch girls, call girls and make sure people knew it was canceled.
Of course Keric finally fell asleep at like 3:30, but I couldn't make myself sleep because I don't like knowing Cameron and Reagan are being "left alone" downstairs and I can't bribe them into taking naps too.
So....my caffeine helped not only keep me awake, but made me a MUCH nicer mom, at least I think! I'm flippin going to bed at 7 tonight! I wish Chris would hurry up and get home!
Whew...what a day!
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