By complete and total accident, Chris stumbled upon a cartoon, that for whatever reason Bubby just LOVED.
He not much of a T.V. kid. Sometimes he will "watch" T.V. on my lap, or in his bouncy, but he never has gotten into it like he did this cartoon. He loved it so much, that I recorded it on the DVR so he could watch it again. It was entertaining enough I could actually leave the room for more then 30 seconds! I don't think he even noticed I was gone!
It's a little cartoon called "Charlie and Lola". I have never watched it before, but it is kind of cute. It's about a little brother and sister and they have English accents. Chris says it's the English version of Cameron and Reagan.
Whatever it is...it is a new favorite for Keric. I sat him on the couch, with his remote control and he was entertained for quite awhile. I even got the bathroom cleaned while he watched. That has never happened before!
It was so funny to hear him in here laughing away.
What a kid! :) He really does have his very own little personality and attitude.
Oh Keric! Not a good sign - no desire to move, just watch t.v. He looks so cute there laughing about it. You wonder what they are thinking?