Today I had to take Bubby into the Dr. for another ear check to make sure his ear infections had cleared up, and also for his 9 month check up. His regular Dr. has been out on maternity leave, so we have had to see another one these last two times. I hate change, and I hate having to go in and "start all over" with someone new, even if it is only temporary.
There was good and bad news. Bubby's ear infections haven't completely healed all the way. He didn't seem to concerned, he said he may just not have had enough of the amoxicilin, or he may just not have responded to it like most babies do. So we are trying another antibiotic to see if we can get rid of the ear infections and the cold. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, poor little guy has had a cold for a month!
His 9 month check went well. He is still not totally "caught up", but that's OK. He's still kind of little. He weighed in at a whopping 19 pounds 2 oz which is in the 27th percentile for his age. That was a jump from his 6 month when he was only in the 20th percentile for weight. He is 28.75 inches tall which is in the 67th percentile also up quite a bit from the 6 month where he was only in the 40th. His head however, is a different story. We're hoping it's just full of brains! His head measured in at 18.1 inches and that's the 71st percentile, also up from last check which was the 70th!
I am glad for the most part that he is "catching up". He still has some milestones to meet, and I probably need to be better about not doing so much for him, and "making" him work a little harder! All in all, he is a healthy, and a very happy baby, and for that...I am grateful!!! Love you Bubby!!!
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