This was how Bubby and I felt about the stupid Bachelor ending! Well, Bubby doesn't care, but it's a cuter picture if you see Bubby blowing raspberries, then it is of me blowing them.
I always get sucked into these reality shows, especially the Bachelor! I have watched every season from #2 on! I know they usually don't ever work out, but I still always have hope. I mean Trista and Ryan are still together...it happened for at least ONE of them.
This season I had TONS of hope. Here was this guy, what I thought was a great guy, who reminded me of Chris a little bit. Sweet guy who had been dumped by DeAnna and had gone through some other heartbreak, and to make it even better, had a child to bring into the mix. He was getting a second chance at love, since DeAnna broke his heart!
I was totally sucked in! I couldn't wait for the season to start, and I watched every episode! I had a favorite from about episode two. Melissa. I was comparing Jason and Melissa with Chris and I. I was no where near as beautiful as she was, but I was always caught up in the way Jason would talk about her as "so different then anyone else I have dated", and "Our relationship is so easy". A lot like Chris and I.
I was so happy when Melissa and Jason's son Ty got along so well! I thought "what a perfect step-mom for him!"
I mean I liked the other girl Molly, but I had to agree with Jason's mom when she said that she seemed like she was a little more career oriented, and not as family oriented as Melissa. I don't know I was just really hoping he would choose Melissa.
I was so excited when Molly was the first to arrive! I knew then he had chosen Melissa! I loved the whole ending, her reaction to his proposal, how excited she was, the ring, all three of them jumping into the pool at the end! It was all so cute!
Then.... there was the after show right after the finale. We get the whole spill about "the most dramatic season yet..." yeah yeah...we've heard this every season. And then...well it WAS the most dramatic! He flippin BREAKS up with Melissa for who knows what dumb reason, and asks Molly for a second chance! I was thinking, yeah...Karma sucks Jason, DeAnna did this SAME exact thing to you! Then before I knew it SHE WAS TAKING HIM BACK!!! What the Crap!?
This just may be my last Bachelor Season. I'm so sick of getting my hopes up...only to find out they are ALL a bunch of dorks! So....pbbbbbbbbt to YOU Bachelor! I will NOT accept your stupid roses any longer!
Stick with American Idol. The Bachelor has always been dumb if you ask me! Mom