Yes, I know that I didn't post anything yesterday, Sorry. It's nice to know that people "miss" me when I'm gone. The reason for this oversight is actually two fold.
#1 I hosted Keric's play date here at my house, and my intention was to take pictures and post them here, but of course by the time I remembered to take a picture, playgroup was ending. It was every one's nap time so kids were crying, having melt downs, some were already sleeping, and basically no one was in the mood to take a picture. So I obviously couldn't post that.
#2 After Keric went down for his own nap I decided that while it was quite and I was sort of almost caught up on life that I would try and do a second scrap book page before I forgot everything Lissel taught me. So I sat down and began trying, very unsuccessfully mind you, to do a second page. I worked pretty much off and on the rest of the day and by the time the day was ending I had gotten myself so worked up and frustrated that I went to bed not only very angry, but eventually with very puffy eyes.
So...this is a picture of the box of Kleenex that I drowned my sorrows into several times last night while getting up with Bubby. Yes, he got up three times last night! I had lots of opportunities to cry some frustration out. Good thing Chris is able to sleep through anything!
It wasn't that it was a bad day at all...just one of those Natalee moments that I have OH SO OFTEN! I hate "failing" at things! I really really do!
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