You can't really document today, and not document something about the inauguration of President Obama. Whether you voted for him, or not, whether you like him, or hate him, this day will be one that is talked about for many years to come. Our children and grandchildren will read about this day in history books in school!
If I were still a full time teacher, I would have made sure that my class was able to watch the inauguration on T.V. I am still a teacher at heart even though I don't have a classroom of 30, so I decided to make sure my classroom of 1 watch this day in history. :)
I brought bubby downstairs, turned on the T.V., sat him on my lap and we watched the big inauguration together.
Bubby obviously could have cared less, he was more interested in the buttons on the remote control, but he did sit quietly through a good part of it so I could at least watch most of it.
Maybe one day when he is old enough to care and understand, he will appreciate that his Mommy made him be a small part of this historic day too!
That's awesome.