Of all the house wife "chores" I have, I just can't enjoy laundry! It's like it's never ending, and there really isn't a "reward" at the end. I mean at least when you clean a bathroom, or vacuum, it's nice and clean for awhile! You can see what you have done. With laundry, I wash clothes all day long, and only have empty baskets for about an hour. Then I am filling them with clothes that have been spit up on, or clothes that have been leaked out on, or whatever. It just NEVER ENDS!
Monday's are not really my favorite day since it is supposed to be my laundry day. So when my Mother in law called me and asked me if I was doing anything important, I had no problem saying "NO!"
She said she needed to get out of the house and asked if Bubby and I wanted to go into SLC with her and just bum around. I thought, heck yeah, anything is better then doing laundry! ha ha
So off we went. We did some shopping at CostCo, and also went to Michaels to look at Scrap booking stuff. I'm not into scrap booking, just simply because it overwhelms me too much, and it gets so expensive, but she has been putting together a scrapbook of Criag's life so it has been fun to go with her and find cute things for that.
After we were done shopping we met Chris at Fazoli's and she bought us dinner. It was a fun afternoon, but I was quickly brought back to reality when we got home at 7:30 p.m. and I had to get back to my favorite chore!
Oh well...it was nice to leave it behind for a few hours even if I might be up a little late finishing it.
Just as a side note...this is one of the next rooms I want to paint!! Maybe I'll like laundry a little better if I wasn't surrounded by so much WHITE! ha ha
Nati! She sounds like the perfect mother in law! You are so lucky! And look at your tidy laundry room...sheesh...I should post picures of mine. It looks like a bomb went off! I love your 365 day blog!