Lately whenever we go in to check on Bubby, or to wake him up in the morning or after his nap we find him in this position. Chris calls it the stink bug position. I guess I'm not familiar enough with stink bugs. I don't know HOW a person can comfortably sleep like this, but he seems to really enjoy it. I now know he is tired and ready for his nap when I find him curled up like this on the floor or on the couch rocking back and forth with his little eyes closed, "singing" to himself. My funny little stink bug!
Oh and just as a side note: do not see a crib sheet on his bed. This is not because he doesn't have one! He does not have a sheet on his mattress for one reason and one reason only....every night he has a big pee out! I'm talking HUGE, like I have literally had to give him a quick bath at 3 in the morning more than once. The pee out is usually what wakes him up..he is all soaked when I go in to get him!
I have tried every diaper on the shelf that "guarantees" no leaks... and none of them work! I was so tired of washing his sheet every morning, only to have to take it off 12 hours later and do it again, that I just took it off for good. He has gone ALMOST a week with out a leaking incident so I may put it back on here in the next couple of days. I promise we really are NOT white trash, and Mom you don't need to mail Bubby a crib sheet. :)
I was getting ready to! Mom