Mother Nature played kind of a cruel April Fool's Day joke on us. This morning we woke up to quite the little snowstorm! I'm all for "April Showers" but do we really have to have the SNOW?? Why can't it just rain? By about noon, the snow had melted, and it was just kind of a cloudy grey day. Then around 5 or so, the sun came out, and it was a half way decent Spring Day. A little on the cold side, but still nice.
Chris was out playing with the kids and I was getting ready to go to YW. Reagan came in and said "Dad needs the camera", so I gave her the camera and she promptly ran outside. I went out to see what was going on, and here was one of the pictures I found on the camera. Our poor Daffodils have gone through about 4 snow storms in a week! I'm surprised they are still alive!
But enough about the Daffodils...Is he not just the cutest dang thing?!? He's a mess these days, but man I love that boy!!
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