Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 3, 2012

I realized something today that I have probably known all along, but for whatever reason it made a lot of sense to me. I don't care how old you are, or how many kids you have, whether your kids are old or young, being a Mom is HARD! It is more than a full time job, it is a life long one! I'm still learning how to do it, and falling on my face multiple times a day! Hats off to you Moms who make it look so easy! Thankfully these little faces make the hard days a little more bareable, and they are very forgiving of all the times I fall flat on my face!!

April 2, 2012

Yep...He is only 3 weeks old, and Keric is already teaching him how to play video games! *sigh*

April 1, 2012

I love that Keric loves Carson so much. Sometimes I get a little nervous at just HOW much he loves him. :) He is always asking to see him, and hold him, and he loves to give him kisses and hugs. Tonight he asked me if he could hold him. So I sat them both on the couch and then he asked me to take a picture of them. So I grabbed my phone and took a picture. After I was done Keric said "Look Mom! We're two best friends!" So cute! Kind of brought a tear to my eyes! I hope they will ALWAYS be "Two Best Friends!"

March 31, 2012

Three weeks old today!! I can't believe it! I don't think Carson can either! Well that, or else he is distraught at having to spend 3 entire weeks with his Hot Mess of a Mom! It's probably the later...

March 30, 2012

Oh the things this little boy says! On the way to school today, Keric asked me if it was Spring time yet. I said "Yes, it is Spring time." He was very excited by this because I have been telling him for months now, that we can't go to the park because it isn't Spring time yet. Sadly the weather hasn't been too great, so despite it being Spring, we still haven't been able to go to the park. :( A little while later he said "Mom! Yes it IS Spring time! You know what that means?" I was SURE he was going to say "Now we can go to the park." But instead he said "The Popcorn comes back on the trees!" Oh the things we teach our little kids in Primary! :) Funny little boy! :)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 29, 2012

This picture totally cracks me up!! I was texting my Mom, and decided to send her a picture of Carson, and when I snapped it, this was the expression I got! haha

March 28, 2012

Back to the Dr.'s to check on Carson's weight.

Just like his older brother, he is having a hard time gaining back up to his birth weight.

I was a little nervous to put him on that scale, but thankfully he had gained weight, which was what the Dr. wanted to see!

He isn't quite the 8lb 7oz he was born at, but I'll take the 7lbs 15oz he was today, and hope for more weight gain!

We have to go back on April 6, so hopefully he will keep gaining!

March 27, 2012

Keric was invited to his very first little girls birthday party!

He has had a little crush on Hannah for awhile now, and she invited him to her birthday party today. He came home on Sunday with his Princess Party invitation in hand, and grinning from ear to ear! :)

Last night we went shopping for Hannah's present, and Keric picked it out ALL by himself. He insisted that Hannah would "be happy" with his purchase of a Rapunzel Barbie doll made to put in the bathtub.

He had such a fun time at the party, and I'm sure being surrounded by tons of girls didn't hurt either. :)

He is turning into such a little ladies man...I really hope doesn't become TOO girl crazy! I'd like to keep that under wraps at least until he is done with is mission!! :)

March 26, 2012

One more little similarity between Keric and Carson with a little twist.

Keric used to love to take naps in our bed, however he would only sleep on Chris' side of the bed!

Today Carson was fussy and wouldn't settle down. I swaddled him tight, and laid him down in my bed, on MY side of the bed, and he immediately fell asleep. All I could do was laugh and think to myself...Ya know....SOMEONE should sleep in my bed!

Of course ironically it's the little person who prevents ME from sleeping in my bed, but oh well...he is sound asleep now! That makes for a happy mommy, maybe now I can take a shower!

March 25, 2012

I actually truly intended on going to church today, but I had such a horrible night with Carson, that I was simply too exhausted to get up and go, so we stayed home and slept!

After church Aunt Denise, Uncle Mark, Aunt Maren and Uncle Dave all came over to meet Carson for the first time.

Carson was a little cranky, but I think they liked him anyway. :)

Aunt Denise was even sweet enough to bring me some more Thin Mints!!! I ran out awhile ago, and I've been really trying hard to refrain from buying another 20 boxes! :)

I'll be careful not to eat these quite so fast! haha

March 24, 2012

2 weeks old today! I can't believe it! Obviously neither can Carson! ;)

March 23, 2012

Today I went to my 2 week check up with Dr. Holmes. I had to go in after 2 weeks because of having a C-section. Mostly she wanted to check my incision and make sure that everything was healing ok, and that I was doing good.

My incision still hurts some. I still take my pain meds every once in awhile, and wear my little belly band, but over all I am doing well. It seems like my recovery from this surgery is MUCH easier than it was when I had my fibroid tumor removed. I can get around pretty well on my own, and even though I STILL wear yoga pants/jammie pants because I can't stand to have my jeans on my incision, I don't have much else to complain about.

The BEST part of my check up was getting validation that I have in deed lost 32 pounds since having Carson! I guess my body likes nursing?? I have no other explanation as to why 32 pounds just fell off my body. I wasn't able to nurse Keric, so this is all totally new to me! I'm certainly not complaining, but I also did NOT expect it!

Of course by posting this weight, you all can add 32 to this number and see for yourself just how truly FAT I was! I am finally to the weight I was when I got pregnant with Keric. Ironically when I found out I was pregnant, I was on a quest to lost about 20 lbs!

It's not by any means my ideal weight, but I am wearing clothes I haven't worn in honestly years, and I feel pretty good about myself! :)

Now I just have 20 more pounds to go and I'll be the girl that Chris married!! ;)

March 22, 2012

It's a funny thing to "document" I suppose, but I never did claim to not be "weird" especially when it comes to pictures and events of my kids! :)

Carson lost his little cord today after his bath! As gross as those cords are, it's kind of like the last part of them being a "brand new baby!" I was kind of sad to see that it had come off, even though I was also sort of ready for it to come off.

Now I guess he's a "real boy!" with his brand new belly button! haha

March 21, 2012

Carson still has his days and nights mixed up. From what I have read....this is something that you really can't "fix" but is something they tend to kind of grow out of around a month old. I guess I have another 2 1/2 weeks or so before I am going to get any real sleep! :)

He sure is cute and "bight eyed" at night though! He just looks around and is totally content starting at about 10:00 p.m.

I just LOVE those big eyes! He truly is a little clone of Keric! It's a little scary at times how much those two look a like!

March 20, 2012

It has been 10 days since little Carson was born, and I ALMOST have my feet back! Dr. Holmes told me that it would take about 10 days, so hopefully with in the next few days, I will have normal feet again! :)

I should have taken a picture of them at their worst, but I was too embarrassed to post it! I literally had ROLLS on my ankles of all places, and I could not wear shoes! I have more shoes than the average person, and of ALL those shoes, there weren't ANY that fit!

Now I can at least wear flip flops, and some of my other shoes without leaving DENTS in my feet!

The things you go through to get these sweet little babies here. I guess going without shoes and having literal fat feet are pretty small sacrifices! :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 19, 2012

I am exhausted! I fully admit it! It's not that I don't get ANY sleep, but the sleep that I do get is totally unrestful, and very interrupted.

Of course it is interrupted by a very CUTE and very SWEET little man, but sadly this little man has his days and nights totally mixed up!

I guess I need to start doing research on how to fix this little problem! It's time to get ready for bed, and he is wide awake ready to play!

*sigh* It's gonna be another LONG night!

March 18, 2012

Today I stayed home from church with Carson while Chris and Bubby went to church. Chris taught my class for me, so I didn't even have to find a sub! :)

Being home alone, I have to admit, was a little scary. I'm feeling a lot stronger, and not in as much pain as I was a few days ago, but there is always that worry I guess. What if something happened while I was alone. I try to convince myself that I am "fine" but in all reality I had a pretty major surgery, and as many surgeries as I have had, I know that it takes my body awhile to heal.

I still have sausage feet, so I don't go up and down stairs with Carson at all. So I was kind of just stuck upstairs until Chris got home. :)

I got up and took a shower and got ready, ie put some new jammies on, and then I got Carson bathed and ready too. After I got him all ready, we took a nap until Chris and Keric got home.

When I put Carson down I was watching the little faces that he makes while he sleeps. I was so excited that I got a picture of this face! He makes this face a lot, but I can never get a picture of it! I call it his "crunching numbers" face. He looks so serious, it just cracks me up! Funny little boy!

March 17, 2012

Today was kind of an emotional day for me. was a very emotional day!

Carson hardly slept at all last night, so the lack of sleep probably didn't help, but today was also the day we had to put my mom back on the airplane headed for home.

I can't believe that it's already been a week! How can Carson be a week old today, and how can my Mom have already been here a week!?!? I'm sure this week hasn't flown by as quickly for my poor Dad who is home alone, but it sure flew by for me!

We had to have my Mom to the airport by 10 this morning, so we all drove into SLC to drop her off. I cried when we dropped her off, I cried all the way home, and I cried myself to sleep when we got home! I'm even crying now as I type this!

There is a part of me that wonders if this was the last time she will come stay with me for a week. More than likely Carson will be my last baby. I'm getting older, it's not easy for me to get pregnant, let alone BE pregnant, so more than likely this is it. It makes me sad to think I won't have another week with hanging out with my Mom!

I guess I'll just have to make it a point to go spend more weeks with her!

Thank you Mom for coming out to help us! My house is beautiful, and my stomach muscles still ache from all the laughing! I can't wait until I get to see you in April! Love you Super, and Love you Dooper!!! xoxo

March 16, 2012

Back to the Dr. we go to check Carson's weight and Bilirubin. Thankfully miracle of all miracles not only did he gain 2 oz in one day, his bilirubin had come down from an 18 to an 11 so he doesn't have to have the space bed anymore!! YEA CARSON!!

The only appointment we could get was in the morning, and Bubby had his "Green Party" at school today. He already missed school on Tuesday, and since he was asked to bring Green punch to his party I really didn't want him to miss again.

My Mom was nice enough to stay home so she could pick Keric up from School while we were at the Dr.

Not only did I come home to a beautifully clean house, I got to see THIS sweet face! He loves his Leprechaun shirt that my Mom brought him, and they made these cute little leprechaun hats at school! Seriously the CUTEST little Leprechaun I have ever seen!!

March 15, 2012

Carson's Billirubin score was a little high when we left the hospital, so the pediatrician wanted to see him back in 2 days.

Not really what I wanted to do my 2nd day back at home, but I got myself and Carson ready and we all went in to SLC for Carson's appointment.

My Mom came with us so she could watch Bubby while we were with the Dr.

When they weighed Carson, he was almost a pound less than he was when he was born!! I was a little shocked! I know that they lose some weight in the hospital, but a pound!?!?

Of course this wasn't great news to the Dr. either. I got the whole nursing lecture again, but thankfully the lecture wasn't as harsh as it was with Keric. At least she didn't tell me to give it up and switch solely to formula!

We went down to the lab and had his blood drawn. Poor little man was back there for over an hour trying to get enough blood to draw for the bilirubin test and also for the sodium test the Dr. ordered. I was so glad I was in the waiting room and not back in the lab with him watching them poke and prod him, and listening to him cry! I just can't do that. I can't watch him cry and get hurt, I make Chris do that kind of stuff.

By the time we got home there was a message on our machine telling us that his Billirubin was high, and that the Home Care people would be bringing the lights over for him to lie on. I was so hoping we wouldn't have to do that, but I guess now he and Keric have one more thing in common...the "Space Bed!"

Chris and Keric went to the Grantsville Children's Sociable to watch Reagan's singing performance. Mom, Carson and I stayed home. My friend Melissa Elton came over to see Carson for a little while, and Mom and I just hung out.

I love having her here! Makes me so sad that it's only for a couple more days! :(

March 14, 2012

Carson's first day home has gone pretty well. In fact it's probably gone better than MY first day at home!

Last night was hard, but I guess the first nights always are. He was up far more than I thought necessary, but of course he didn't see it that way. :) I am still really sore and getting up and down out of bed all night long didn't help my incision much. In fact I was in tears a few times from all the up and down and the pain.

Besides the pain of the incision, I am retaining a TON of water. legs are tree trunks, and my feet and ankles look like one of those cartoon fat ladies. How does a person get fat rolls on their ankles!!??

I can't carry Carson up and down stairs because the bottom of my feet are also swollen, and therefore I have no balance! I'm a rather pathetic looking site to say the least. Especially considering all I can wear are jammies! UGH!

My Mom is still being an amazing help, and I am not only able to take naps, but sitting on the couch talking and laughing with her is pretty good medicine too!

Keric LOVES his little brother, and loves to hug and kiss and hold him any chance he gets. I'm getting over the "fear" of Keric not being "soft" enough, and am just trying to enjoy the fact that he loves his little brother, and loves having him home!

Our lives have truly changed, for the better of course, and it will take some getting used to, but hopefully we will get our new routine figured out, SOON! :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 13, 2012

As much as I loved and appreciated my Dr.'s and Nurses while I was here, I was thrilled beyond belief to be "sprung" from my Hospital stay this morning and we busted out of this joint!!

I wanted to leave at like 8 a.m. but we didn't get everything all set and signed and everything else until closer to noon, and even STILL they kept trying to convince me to stay another day! Sorry, but no thank you!

The wheelchair ride and ride home were painful at best, but I was still so glad to be home! Carson however seemed to LOVE his car ride home! He slept the entire way home! That may be a good trick to remember for the future?? Long car rides put him to sleep! :)

It was so fun to be greeted by my Mom and Keric as soon as we pulled into the garage. I'm fairly sure Keric was more excited that Carson was home, and could have honestly cared less that I was but that's Mommy was happy to see me! :)

As happy as I was to see Keric, I was shocked at how BIG he looked and seemed! I guess I wasn't prepared for that! When I left him with Grandma Anne on Friday he was my baby, but when I came home today, he was FAR from a baby!! He looked like he was 10 years old to me! It honestly made me cry a little. Of course he will always be my "baby" no matter how old he gets, but I guess for right now, Carson has kind of taken over the baby role for a while.

Of course my Mom had cleaned my house, gone grocery shopping, bought me a new vacuum, and even made home made chocolate chip cookies while she had been here! It was SO nice to walk into a nice clean house!!

I already feel a hundred times better being home!

March 12, 2012

Bummer!!! I am STILL here in the Hospital! :(

I guess when you have a C-section it is just "required" that you stay at least 3 days, and insurance even pays for 4 days if you want. UGH! I do NOT want an extra day, the three is enough! Not to mention my little sick episode yesterday is not really helping my case for "I am well enough to go home."

Thankfully Chris is good to sneak food in for me, spend the night here with me, and help me to not be so sad about having to stay another day longer than I had planned on.

The nurses here are wonderful, and I really do love LDS Hospital, but there is just something about being HOME. I think I would get better a LOT faster if I were in my own bed!

At least I got to take a shower today and am totally free of ALL needles, machines, IV's and whatever else they had me hooked up to! It's soooo nice to not have the constant beeping all day and all night long! However I can still hear the beeps from the same machines going off on the poor woman in the room next to me!

So here we sit...hanging out, waiting for our "time to be served." ;)

March 11, 2012

It's hard to believe that my sweet little man is here, and that I am sitting in a Hospital room hooked up to a bunch of machines that will NOT quit beeping, and I not only feel like I have been hit by a truck, but I LOOK like I have been!

Today was a hard day recovery wise. I have been hooked up to several antibiotic IV's because of the fever I spiked right before going into have my C-section. The Doctor was afraid that I had gotten an infection, and therefore had passed that infection on to Carson. Luckily Carson doesn't have an infection of any kind, but I am still hooked up to antibiotics, and they have made me SO SICK!

I couldn't keep anything down today, and I literally begged the nurse to take the IV's out of me! It's one thing to be sick, it's quite another to be sick when your stomach is stapled shut. Talk about pain! I was supposed to be on the antibiotics for 48 hours from the time Carson was born, and I made it to almost 36.

I have the sweetest nurse, and she was nice enough to call the Dr. and plead my case for me. Thankfully I have an awesome Dr. too! She told the nurse she could unhook me, and I am feeling MUCH better tonight! I honestly told the nurse I would sign a "refusal to treat" document if I had to, that's how sick I was!

Besides being sick however today was a great day because my MOMMY is here!! You would think I would be old enough that I wouldn't still need my Mom, but I do! I admit it! Especially when I'm sick, there is nothing like having my Mom around!

Chris went to pick her up from the airport around 2:00 p.m. this afternoon, and thankfully by the time they went and picked up Keric and came back to the Hospital I was unhooked from my stupid IV's and feeling a little more human!

I'm sad that she is here, and I am stuck in the Hospital instead of home hanging out with her! Thankfully she is here for a whole week, and hopefully I will get to go home tomorrow!

I'm so grateful to have her here! She is always such a big help to me, and I always LOVE having her around!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 10, 2012

Carson Craig Wexels was born at 4:28 a.m. March 10, 2012. Weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 7oz and 20.5 inches long!

One day shy of sharing a birthday with his Uncle Kimball, but hey...that's OK. Everyone needs their OWN birthday right? :)

I went through the full labor process, even pushed for a solid hour, but when it came right down to it, Carson was only going to get here by C-section.

I have had my share of surgeries, this should not have been anything "new", but I have to admit, I was scared out of my mind! I was grateful to have Chris by my side every step of the way, and of course even though Dr. Holmes was not on call tonight, Dr. Haakensen was, and she was the Dr. who cared for me during my first trimester while Dr. Holmes was on maternity leave.

I don't know what I expected from a C-section, but it wasn't that. I guess maybe I have watched too many TLC "Baby Stories" or something? It went much faster than I thought, felt much worse than I expected, but all in all, wasn't so horrible.

The rest of the day is basically a blur. I don't think I have slept in over 24 hours, but I LOVE my sweet little boy, and am SO HAPPY to have him here finally!

March 9, 2012

Well...we made it to 37 weeks and just one day! That's OK...I feel good about how far I made it, and can't say that I was too sad to be sent to AND admitted to the hospital this afternoon! :)

This morning started out as a typical Friday. I got up and got myself ready, and Keric ready to go to school. I dropped him off at school, and then reluctantly ran a couple errands.

I have been wanting to get my nails done and a pedicure before Carson is born, so I figured today was as good a day as any. I felt bad for the poor girl who had to do my pedicure with my cankles and fat feet, but at least they are pretty cankles and Fat feet!

I finished just in time to go get Keric. When I got to school his teacher said he had been complaining of not feeling well? When I asked him about it, he said he felt fine, but I guess he had been telling her he was "sick." Poor little man, I hope he isn't coming down with something!

We got in the car and then headed to Walmart. Not really what I WANTED to do, but there were some things Carson didn't have, like socks and diapers, not to mention all the random things we were out of at home since I haven't done grocery shopping for 2 weeks!

At the time I didn't know why I felt compelled to get to the store to buy these silly last minute things, but I guess now I know why. :)

We came home, ate some lunch, and then we got ready to go to my weekly Dr.'s appointment. I have to admit, I had this nagging feeling that I needed to bring my Hospital bag and all the other things like the Camera, Video Camera, laptop, the whole 9 yards, but I talked myself out of it.

I told myself that just because I was tired, and yes, a little sick of being pregnant, did NOT mean that it was time for Carson to make his debut. Dr. Holmes told me that she would strip my membranes today, so I was hoping that after she did that maybe he would come this weekend sometime.

We got to the Dr.'s office and I went with the nurse to get my blood pressure taken and of course my weight...ugh! I sat down and let the little machine do it's job and then listened to the beeps that came after. I don't remember what the top number was, but the bottom number was 110!! I've never seen my blood pressure that high...EVER!! I looked at the nurse, and she looked as shocked as I was!

She took my blood pressure again, and was just as bad as the first time. She said "I'm not positive, but I'm thinking you will be taking a field trip to the Hospital".

Well, she was right. Dr. Holmes didn't even strip my membranes, she sat me down and talked to me a little bit, and then sent me up to the Hospital for some stress tests. She said if my blood pressure continued to be "bad" they would admit me, and we would have a baby tonight. If they were under control, it was home and straight to bed rest for me!

So off we went to the Hospital. Pitocin drip has been started, Chris has gone home and come back with all my crap, Mama Anne has all the kids, My Mom has been called, and now we just wait and see when this little man decides to show up!

Since I was admitted around 5:00 p.m. I'm guessing he won't show before Midnight, I mean I was in labor with Keric for more than 24 hours, but I guess we will see!

Ready or not, here he comes! I'm not TOTALLY "ready", but I am SO EXCITED he is on his way!

March 8, 2012

I can hardly believe it, but I have officially made it to 37 weeks!

I am tired, I am bloated, I am retaining so much water I feel like I am swimming, my feet are so swollen I can hardly walk! My back hurts, my hips, my legs, and pelvis hurt, but dang it...I MADE it, and I have to say, I am beyond proud of myself!!! :)

Let's see how much farther we can go huh Carson??

March 7, 2012

I decided that today I was going to have a semi self prescribed bed-rest day, but I was going to at least be productive!

I have all these projects that I want to get done before Carson gets here, but I have a bad habit of starting things, and then never finishing them! I guess last nights craft night was a good motivator. :)

I put the last finishing touches on the little "Kiss Me" sign that I started last night. I also finished one of Keric's Pirate signs that I wanted to make for his room, and I got everything for the Activity Day's bookmarks done for this afternoon.

It was actually really fun to just sit down and make a big mess, and FINISH some of these projects. I still have the blankets to finish, but sadly I ran out of time today.

I do however think I am in desperate NEED of a craft room! I wonder if I can talk one of the kids into giving up their room and just sleeping on the couch until college?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 6, 2012

I probably totally overworked myself today, but I feel like my poor old body is quickly shutting down, and I'm running out of non bed rest time quickly!

I took Keric to school today, and then I came home and "rested" up for the rest of the things I had planned for the day. I am in charge of the craft part of Activity Days tomorrow, so I had some things to do for that, along with a few other errands to run.

Getting up and getting myself and Keric ready for the day, usually wears me out pretty good, so I figured if I came home and rested while Keric was in school, I could get all my errands done.

We went to Jo Ann's after school, and then to Wal-mart, and by the time I got home I had a really nice case of the Cankles!! It was not pretty, and actually sort of hurt! I knew this was NOT a good sign. :(

My sweet friend Melissa brought me a Dr. Pepper and some mini Twix. She was so sweet to think of me, and man did it taste good! It actually made sitting on the couch starring at my cankles, somewhat bare able! :)

My friends Karie and Ann and I got together tonight for one last "girls night" before Carson is born. We all met at Karie's house and had a craft night! Despite how horrible I was feeling, it was so much FUN to get together and just talk, paint, and laugh!

March 5, 2012

Generally I have a little man who is ALL smiles, MOST of the time! He rarely complains about much, even when he is sick! However today was a bit of a different story.

I'm not sure if he is coming down with something, or if he just simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or if it was the fact that his Daddy had to go into SLC to work today, but instead of seeing a face like this:

I mostly saw faces like this:

followed by MANY, MANY tantrums! Oh the joys of tantrums!! I sure hope tomorrow is a happier day!! I'm not sure how many more tantrums I can take!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4, 2012

There are or I guess I should say WERE 4 women in my ward, including me, all due to have little boys within about 3 weeks of each other. It was kind of fun to be pregnant with others, and to reach different milestones with someone else. It was especially fun when we all found out we were ALL having boys. Oh the years ahead in our ward would be fun with all those little boys in Nursery, Primary, Young Men, and even going on missions! We have nicknamed our little "club" Team Re-populate the Earth.

Of course I am well aware that babies come when they are ready, and/or when their Mommy's Dr.'s say they are ready. So of course the chances of us all having our babies on or around our due dates was slim, BUT the tiny possibility was still there.

This last week two of the women in our ward had their babies within a couple days of each other, which now just leaves me and my friend Andrea left. We joked about it a little in church today and about how unfair it was that they had left us behind, and had their babies without us. Now it's just the two of us hanging on cheering each other on. :) Rah! Rah! Rah! Go team Re-populate the World! LOL

After church I put Keric down for his nap, and decided I was going to lay down for a little while too. I had just fallen asleep and had only been asleep for maybe 10 minutes, when I was woken up by these silly back contractions I keep having! They weren't as severe as the ones I had last week, but they were kind of coming one right after the other. I got up and walked around for awhile, and the more I walked, the more my back hurt.

I guess I started to get my hopes up a little, or maybe a lot. I got my phone out, and started timing these weird contractions/pains in my back and lower abdomen. They were sporadic to say the least, but they were definitely there, and they for SURE hurt.

I really got ahead of myself and packed a little bag to throw in the car, in the hopes that they would start becoming more regular and I would be heading to the hospital today.

A couple of hours passed, and even though my pains didn't go away completely, instead of being maybe 10 and 15 minutes apart, they were more like 45 and 60 minutes apart, and they weren't as painful as they were in the beginning. *sigh*

I guess I'll leave my little bag packed anyways and hope that one of these next few days SOON, I will need it. Sadly however, I wont be needing it today. ;) I guess maybe that's still a good thing...I would hate to leave Andrea all alone! HAHA

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3, 2012

A couple of days ago, winter decided to show up after all! I can't say that I'm totally surprised, I mean I knew that having NO WINTER was too good to be true, but I guess a girl can always dream right?

Yes...I know that I live in Utah, and yes I know that Utah gets a lot of snow, but that does NOT mean that I have to like it.

We got about 6 inches of snow a couple of days ago, and it has actually stayed around. Usually when it snows like that, it seems like it's gone with in a day or two, but not this time.

Wal mart also happened to be having all of their winter stuff on major clearance yesterday, so Keric lucked out! We got him some snow pants for $1.50, some gloves for .50 cents, snow boots for $5.00 and a hat for .25 cents.

Chris had planned to work down in the basement today, but being the good Daddy he is, he went outside to play with Keric for awhile before getting to work. Keric LOVES the snow, and loves being outside, so he was in 7th Heaven out there in all his winter gear playing till his little heart was content! They played for almost two hours! They were throwing snowballs, chasing each other around the yard, jumping on the snow filled trampoline, and of course building a snowman.

Sitting outside watching them play and taking pictures and video's ALMOST made the 6 inches of snow worth having! :)

March 2, 2012

Today was kind of a go, go, go day, with LOTS of things happening, so I apologize for the long post, but this blog is more for me to remember the details of this year, so I guess no one is MAKING you read it all! :)

I knew that today was going to be a busy and hectic day, but I'm not sure my poor big pregnant body was as aware and prepared as my mind was! :)

I got up and got myself ready and Keric ready for school . After a few tears and tantrums he got his show and tell ready, coat and backpack on and we even got there ON TIME. However by the time I got home I was hurting so badly, I was in tears.

When I had my hip replaced, almost 2 years ago, one of the things we talked to Dr. Bertin about extensively was my ability to have more children once my hip had been replaced. We talked to him about the type of hardware I should have put in, which kind was safest, when I could start trying to have another baby, and whether or not the strain of pregnancy and childbirth would have an effect on my new hip.

He assured us that he would put the best hardware in my hip so as not to have too many ion metals in my body that could possibly affect the baby. He told me that I could start trying to have a baby as soon as six months after my surgery, although he personally would probably wait at least a year. He also assured us that the pregnancy and childbirth itself would not hurt my new hip.

Up until a couple days ago, I wasn't really worried about my hip at all, but I think Carson has dropped pretty low into my pelvis, and every time I walk I literally feel like my hip is going to fall out of its socket. It hurts so bad, and I am so uncomfortable that I guess I just finally broke down into tears!

I kind of had to take it easy the rest of the day, and over time it seemed to feel a little better. In fact by the time we drove into SLC for my 3:30 p.m. appointment with Dr. Holmes my hip felt 100 times better. I still feel like I'm walking with a bowling ball in between my legs, but at least I wasn't crying about it!

My blood pressure is still good, so I have avoided bed rest yet again (YEA!) and all those contractions that I have been having this week are actually doing something. I am now 3cm dilated and 60% effaced! So that made me feel a little better. Nothing like being in horrible pain for nothing!

As far as my hips go...well not much anyone can really do about that. It's just kind of the joys of the last few weeks of pregnancy, and also probably has more to do with where Carson is positioned right now.

I actually found a whole message board on line with women who have had total hip replacement surgery and had children after their surgeries. A lot of them complained about how the last few weeks or pregnancy they were hardly able to walk because of the spreading of the hips and ligaments, and many of them went on to have regular births, those who had C-sections had them because that's the way their other children were born, and ALL of them said that the pain went away a few weeks after giving birth and their hips were just fine. So that made me feel MUCH better. Not that I don't trust Dr. Bertin completely...but you know, you always second guess something when your in the middle of it I guess. :)

My appointment went well. Sadly I gained a pound, but I'm hoping it was because of the shoes I had on! ;) Dr. Holmes said that when I come in for my next weeks appointment on the 9th she would strip my membranes and see if we could get my labor to progress. Carson is about 7 1/2 - 8lbs right now, and anything after 37 weeks is considered full term, so his lungs would be developed and he wouldn't have to be in the NICU or anything.

We are all kind of hoping that stripping my membranes will lead to my water breaking, and him coming a little early so that he hopefully doesn't get much bigger. She said that she had done this procedure to 4 other women that week, and everyone of them had their water break with in four or five hours, and had their babies that night! I SOOOOOOO hope that is what will happen for me, but I know there really is no guarantee either way.

So fingers crossed that he either comes on his own this week, or he will come very quickly after my next appointment. March 9th or 10th sounds like a great day for a birthday! :)

After my appointment we had a couple errands to run in SLC. I was feeling good enough that I was able to do most of them. A couple I stayed in the car for, but for the most part I was OK.

We went to Costco to pick up a few things, and while we were there Chris decided that I had waited long enough for a new camera and bought me the camera I have been wanting for months now. I've always admired the SLR camera's from afar, and thought how fun it would be to actually have one, but they really aren't camera's that you just run out and buy. They are much more of a commitment than a point and shoot camera, and cost a lot more too!

I kept telling him that I didn't need one, and that it really wasn't necessary, I could continue to save my birthday and Christmas money, but he said I had waited long enough, and I shouldn't argue. The only "condition" he had was that I couldn't put it all over facebook! ;) Well...I didn't say anything about it on facebook, but he never said I couldn't put it on the blog! :)

I haven't had a lot of time to really dive into it and play with it, but I am SO EXCITED to sit down with it and just play with it for a few hours!

You all thought I had a lot of pictures of Keric...well you haven't seen anything yet! Poor Carson is going to be LIVING in a 24/7 photo shoot I'm a afraid! :)

A girl has to have a hobby right?? :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1, 2012

Today marks 36 weeks! This is a week I have never been to in pregnancy, so it's kind of exciting to hit a new milestone! I'm anxious to see what Dr. Holmes has to say tomorrow! :)

Today is also the first day of March! YEA!!! I've been quietly doing the happy dance all day as I change the calendars and see all the other little reminders that it is in fact March! Carson's birth month is FINALLY here! Assuming I don't go over my due date, Carson will be here with in the next 31 days!!! I'm getting so excited to meet this little boy!

This week we have been dog sitting Jon's dog Spacey while he has been in St. George at some meetings for work. This is the first time we have ever watched Spacey. In fact it's the first time I have ever met her! She is a fairly new addition to Jon's house though. He rescued her from the pound and from being put down a few months ago. Actually maybe it's been longer than that...time kind of slips away from me.

I never grew up with dogs or really even around dogs. In fact the first dog I really ever had anything to do with was my little Tiara. I think in all honesty I grew up basically scared of dogs, especially big dogs! Even as an adult, I was always sort of scared of big dogs.

Spacey is by no means a "big dog", I guess she would more be classified as a medium sized dog, but she is much bigger than Chompie, and so it's taken a little while to get used to having her around...for me at least. :)

She is such a sweet dog, and so loving! She has been with us since Sunday afternoon, and I have YET to hear her even bark! She is very obedient, and honestly just kind of hangs out in her crate most of the day and sleeps. She likes to follow Chris down to the basement while he works, and she just lays on the blanket he put down there for her all day long. She actually reminds me a lot of a much bigger version of Tiara.

Keric LOVES doggies, big, medium, small, whatever, he loves them. He's never been scared or intimidated by them. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. He gets a little flustered if they try to jump on him, but for the most part, he is quick to walk right up to them and give them a love.

He has really loved having Spacey around. He tells me quite often through out the day that he loves Mommy, Daddy, Baby Carson, Chompie and Spacey. He even prays for her at night. I think he's gonna be kind of sad when Jon comes to pick Spacey up tomorrow. I guess it's a good thing we will still have Chompie around for him to play with.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29, 2012 - Leap Day :)

Happy Leap Day!

Today officially marks exactly one more month until my due date! This pregnancy has gone by so quickly up until a couple of weeks ago. Now an entire month feels like a YEAR!

At this point in my pregnancy with Keric, he had already been born. He was about two days shy of 36 weeks, and I will be 36 weeks tomorrow! I think my body may remember this little fact, and is now getting a little impatient with it's house guest. I have been tired and achy for awhile now, but for whatever reason I felt 10 times more so today?? I feel like it takes SO MUCH energy to do the dumbest things, and by the time the day is over, I'm embarassed at how LITTLE I have done.

I didn't by any means expect this baby to be born early, nor did I WANT him to be born early. Keric's being born early was scary and stressful and I honestly didn't want to have that happen again, but I have to admit, there is a small part of me that is a little sad, for lack of a better word, at the reality of this baby "baking" for another full month!

I guess that gives Chris another full month to get some more work on the basement done, and me another full month to REALLY get ready for Carson to make his grand entrance. I would be lying if I said I was anywhere NEAR ready for him to come, but you know...sometimes the little aches and pains and discomforts outweigh the reality of the situation.

Tonight Chris went to Home Depot to get some things for the basement, and on his way home he stopped at Wal mart to grab a few things. I still have yet to feel like going grocery shopping, so bless his heart, he did some of it for me tonight. It also dumped a good 6 inches of snow this afternoon, so I was more than a little grateful to not have to go out in it!

When he got back he came in carrying a black bean bag for Keric's new pirate room. Last week we did kind of a mini make-over of Reagan's room for her. We got new bedding and curtains, and a few other little things to kind of make her room more of a "big girl" room. One of the things she wanted was a bright pink bean bag in the corner of her room.

Since that day Keric has been obsessed with this bean bag! I catch him in her room all the time just sitting in it, or trying to "steal" it and put it in his room. He tells me that he needs one so he can read his books and sleep. I don't know how you would sleep very well in such a tiny bean bag, but he seems to think it would be pretty fun if I let him sleep in it one night! Crazy boy! I finally told him that maybe we could get him a bean bag for his new room someday so he could in it and read books. I guess thanks to his Daddy, today was the day.

Now each kid has a bean bag for their room. Tonight they each grabbed their bags and brought them down to watch a movie before bed. I think there was more playing on the bags than actually watching the movie, but oh well. It was actually kind of a dumb movie anyway. :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28, 2012

We haven't had a JoAnn's here in Tooele for very long, but it has been here long enough that when I pull up to the parking lot Keric says "Mommy, I hate this store!" LOL

Tonight we went and signed the papers on our re-finance (Yea to my sweet hubby for doing so much re-search and locking us in to an AMAZING rate! I am so not up on stuff like that, and am always SO GRATEFUL that he is!) and after we were done at the title company we ran a couple of errands before heading home.

One of the things I wanted to do was go to JoAnn's, even though I sort of knew that wasn't high on anyone elses list. Chris took pity on the boys and said he would take them over to Cal-Ranch to look at guns while I went into JoAnns. I'm sure that was hard sacrifice for Chris. haha

I guess I took a little longer than I thought, because while I was looking at fabric I heard the very loud laughter and running of tiny feet down an aisle that was unmistakably my Bubby! I had a couple of things I still wanted to look at, so I had to keep Keric entertained for about 10 more minutes.

He squeezed himself into the bottom of the very TINY cart I was pushing, and I put the leprechaun hat on him. He rode around like that happy as could be until it was time to go. Maybe next time we pull into JoAnns he won't be so quick to say "I hate this store!"

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012

I think I have created a Shower Monster!

One of the things we did in the Mickey Bathroom was to put a kind of "waterfall" shower head in the shower.

One shower, and Keric was hooked! He LOVES taking showers, and would take 3-4 a day if I would let him. No more "Tubby Time" for this's showers from now on!

He has a sort of shower "routine." I turn the shower on and make sure that he has just enough "warms" and then he gets in.

He refuses to have ANY help, he instead insists that I sit outside the shower and wait for him, while he shouts out a play by play of what he is doing in the shower. A lot of times this is just "I just standing in the warms Mommy."

These showers of his can last anywhere from 10 minutes to whenever his warms run out, depending on how much patience I have to just SIT there and wait for him. I have tried to sneak out, but he has caught on to this little trick of mine.

Today while he was taking his shower, he kept pulling the shower curtain liner back and peeking out of the little clear round circles in the curtain to make sure I was still there. LOL

The peek a boo game at least made the long wait not so long!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26, 2012

Just last week as I was sitting in Sharing time with my class and they were handing out the next weeks prayers, scripture, and talks, I was thinking "I wonder when Keric will be asked to do one of those things?"

Well low and behold he got "mail" today in sharing time! Of course he would get his mail the week that I am home laying in bed with stupid back contractions, so I missed it, but he was SO excited to come show me his mail when he got home!

He was asked to give the opening prayer, and couldn't have been happier about it. He just gets more and more grown up as they days go by. It's a silly thing to get teary about, and I'm sure having to stay down all day didn't help my already overly sensitive emotions, but I cried a little after he handed me his mail and went to change his clothes.

Next thing I know he's going to be bringing home an invitation to the Stake Baptism preview!!! Why does he have to get so big so FAST?? *sigh*

February 25, 2012

Read any book on marriage, or even Conference talks on marriage, and you will always hear the advice "You need to keep dating even after you are married." The funny thing is, that no one ever defines what a "date" is, or at least I don't recall anyone ever defining it.

I guess growing up, I always assumed that a date was dinner and a movie, or some planned out activity that you did on the weekends. I always sort of wondered why my own Mom and Dad hardly ever went on "dates." I guess when you have 7 little kids, dinner and a movie is hard to do every weekend, but of course I didn't think about THAT part of it. :)

Now that I'm the one who is married with little kids, I have often remembered that little piece of advice, and have come to realize that it really is wonderful advice!

I have also learned that date nights don't have to be a planned activity, or even something that requires hiring a babysitter, or spending a lot of money if any money.

I have learned to really love Chris and my date nights. They usually don't last any longer than an hour, don't cost much if anything, and I have even been known to wear my hair in a pony tail and go in baggy sweatshirts and/or jammie pants.

Sometimes we go to Home Depot to look at tile, or paint chips. Other times we go to Wal-mart to get things for Sunday dinner or get something we have run out of like Milk, and other times we go to Maverick to fill the car up with gas, get a movie, or just get a drink and a treat.

They are far from "elaborate" and definitely not planned out, but what they ARE is a few minutes alone, without kids, to get our batteries re-charged, or at least it gets mine re-charged.

Last night we went to Maverick, but we went to the Stansbury Maverick because they were the only ones who had the movie "Puss and Boots" that the kids wanted to see. I have to admit, I wasn't too sad about the extra 10 mins that we had to drive to get there. We picked up the movie, got a little treat, and came home.

Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, but it didn't matter, I still always look forward to our "weekly dates."

As we were driving home I started thinking about weekly dates and all of these things I've just written, and it suddenly occurred to me how similar Chris and I are to my Mom and Dad. I was remembering my Mom and Dad leaving some of us older kids in charge for an hour or so and going out to check on some of my Dad's jobs, or driving over to check on an apartment or take a deposit down to the bank. Something small, but something that they could do just the two of them despite at least a FEW of us wanting to go. :)

Funny how things come full circle. I didn't understand then, but I sure understand now! Those weekly dates, whatever they are...really are important, and some of the best times and moments of my week.

Thanks honey for the fun "date" tonight, especially for the big chocolate chip cookie! YUM!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 24, 2012

Today was a big day for me and Carson. Today was my 35 week and 1 day Dr.'s appointment. We were going to find out if he was still breech, and whether or not a C-section would be the way to go.

Our appointment was early in the morning, so poor Keric had to miss pre-school today. He didn't seem to mind too badly that he wasn't going to get to go, but he may have forgotten that he was supposed to go, I'm not sure! ;)

We got to the Dr.'s office around 8:50 a.m. and waited for my name to be called. I got my blood pressure taken, and much to my surprise it was "perfect" according to the nurse! PHEW! Bed rest avoided for another week!!

Then came my favorite part...weigh in. I've gained a total of 7lbs this pregnancy! Not exactly what my intention was...I was hoping to LOSE weight this pregnancy, but I will say I am much happier with the 7lbs gained with Carson than I was with the 30+
pounds I gained with Keric! *sigh*

Then it was back to the room we went. Dr. Holmes came in and asked how everything was going and how I was feeling. Besides being exhausted and totally un-motivated to do just about anything and everything, I feel pretty good. I still have some sleepless nights, the occasional heartburn, which I have NEVER had before, and of course just the normal aches and pains that come with being way too big and pregnant, but heck...woman do this everyday! I don't have too much to really complain about.

She asked me if Carson had turned yet, and I said "I really don't think so. I still feel him literally dancing on my bladder, and I felt his head up in my ribs just last night." She felt around and said "Lets get the ultra-sound machine and see what's going on." She left and came back a few minutes later. I was SURE I knew what she would see, his head up by my ribs.

I kind of held my breath as she put the little wand on my stomach and there it was! Plain as day, his head, down in my pelvis! I was totally shocked! She said "He turned! There's his head, pointed down!" I swear the little monkey did it in the time she left the room to get the machine and came back! I wanted to cry! He did it!! He did it on HIS timeline, but he did it! How could I be upset about a child of mine doing something when he was ready, and waiting until the last minute? I mean seriously...Is that not what I do on a daily basis??

My blood pressure being good, the fact that Carson is in the right position AND I am dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced has changed things! To quote Chris "Wow! That kind of progress took at least 2 hours of being on a Pitocin drip last time!" I think two hours is being on the kind was probably more like 4 or 5, but yeah...he's right. With Keric, my body simply had NO IDEA what to do with itself! Maybe it learned a few things with Keric?

Dr. Holmes said we could move ahead and try for a normal delivery. He is still on the big side, but she said as long as there is no risk in hurting my hip...we can go for it!

NO C-SECTION!!?!?! It was almost too good to even be true! I thought I had come to grips with that reality, and had almost become OK with things. I wasn't happy about it, but I figured if that's what was best for me and Carson, then I would get myself mentally prepared and go ahead with the plan.

Now I don't have to think that way, or at least I don't have to think that way for this week. The odds of him turning back around are slim, but still a possibility. Hopefully that won't happen. I suppose my blood pressure could get bad again this week too, but I'm going to think positive and keep praying that things will work out the way they are supposed to, and we will have a new little boy join our family sometime in the very near future!

Good job Carson!! Thank you for making your Mommy's life just a little easier today! xxoox

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23, 2012

Look who made their own bed this morning!! :)

One of Cameron and Reagan's jobs in the morning is to make their beds before leaving for school. This morning when I went in to make Bubby's bed, he had already done it!

I asked him, "Who made your bed for you?" He said "I do it Mommy!" It honestly looked pretty good, and at least as good as Cam and Reag's look somedays! LOL

*sigh* He's getting way too big and independant these days!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012

There is nothing more fun than getting packages in the mail, especially when they are unexpected packages! :)

This morning the mailman brought a package with my name on it and when Chris handed it to me I was completely confused!

My first reaction was, "I didn't order anything" but then I started second guessing myself and wondering if I just didn't remember ordering something! Believe me, Me forgetting something has for SURE been known to happen, especially these past few months!

When we opened it inside was the cutest little Pirate Ship from my Mom! Keric was so excited!

I love that my Mom is so quick to think of each and every one of us, and without hesitation send us something for whatever reason. It was just this last Friday that I was talking to her and telling her we were out shopping for things for Keric's Pirate room, and low and behold a Pirate ship shows up on my door step!

We put the little ship with the other things that will go in his room. Keric was quick to tell me, and everyone else that he showed it to, that we were to "touch it soft, because it was very VERY special!"

I'm so excited for his little Pirate Room to come together, and I am glad that Keric is so excited about it too! :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! Did anyone else besides me wake up and realize that they no longer fit into ANYTHING they own?? How ironic! *sigh*

I have had this urge to "sew" lately. I don't know if it's a nesting thing, or just a weird "phase" I am going through, but I find myself looking at fabric more, and wondering how hard it would be to make this or that.

I haven't sewn for years! I remember loving to go to my Grandma's house and sewing with her. She is an amazing seamstress, but of course it is only years later that I realize I really should have taken the time and put forth the effort to really learn from her!

I took Home EC classes in Middle School, and even remember being in a little 4H group that taught me how to sew. My Mom was always good to let me use her machine, and help me out with my projects, but somewhere along the way I guess I got bored of it, or decided that it was just too frustrating. There was nothing more infuriating than having to use the little stitch pick to pull out mistakes! I think doing that a few too many times may have been my downfall.

Reagan has said for quite awhile that when she grows up, she wants to be a Fashion Designer. So for Christmas we bought her a sewing machine. My idea totally, but Chris thought it was a good one. Reagan however was not as thrilled with her present as I thought she would be. My Mother in Law is also an excellent seamstress, and she said that she would teach Reagan how to sew. Well..the poor sewing machine has sat in the box in Reagan's room since Christmas Day!

Chris pulled it out this weekend so that we, and when I say "we" I mean HE could make the curtain for the bathroom. I maybe could have done it, but there was no pattern, just the image in my head, and since it had been so long since I had sewn, I figured the curtain shouldn't be the poor unsuspecting victim.

Today however I found some really cute flannel, and thought I would try my hand at a blanket or two for Carson. I mean's a blanket, how badly could I screw that up! Actually I did end up pulling out some stitches her and there, but for the most part, I think they turned out kind of cute. I still need to iron them but the point is that I made two blankets, all on my own, and I had fun! :)

Maybe one day I'll get brave and try something else.

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012

Today was President's Day, which meant no school today.

I guess you know it's a boring day when the fun activity for the day is playing with your little brothers hair.

Keric had all sorts of funky hairstyles going on this morning, but this was the one that he was really diggin....the mohawk!

He came running to find me this morning to show off his cool new hairstyle. He was so proud. He wore his mohawk proudly all day long. :) Silly boy!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19, 2012

The "Mickey Bathroom" has been done for about a week now, but the paint we used was supposed to cure for about 4 weeks!!

Well..we didn't have 4 weeks, but we did make the kids stay out of it for another week! Every time anyone pressed on the paint it left a finger print and I was fairly certain letting them loose in the bathroom would result in walls FULL of tiny, permanent fingerprints, so we continued to be a one bathroom family for another week!

Today however we decided to let Keric FINALLY take a bath in his Mickey Bathroom. Poor boy asks every single day if he can take a bath in there. He loves his bathroom, and will show it to ANYONE who will let him! :)

When Chris told him that today was finally the day he could take a bath in his bathroom, he said "What about a shower?" I was a little shocked he even asked to take a shower, because he is NOT a fan of getting his face wet, and the times that I have had him take a shower with Chris to save time, it's been a major fight full of tears and screams the entire time.

He was insistent that he wanted to take a "Mickey Shower" and not a "Mickey Tubby Time" so we told him OK. Chris put him in the shower, helped him turn it on, and kind of guided him on what to do from outside the shower.

I was totally shocked, he took a shower ALL by himself. He washed his own hair, washed himself, rinsed himself off, and turned the water off. He didn't even get upset about having water in his face or eyes.

It's a simple and silly little thing to be so excited about, but I can't believe that my little boy is getting so big and more and more independent each day. What am I going to do if our "Tubby Time's" stop? I am seriously going to be sad! Maybe he'll let me give him a bath still once in awhile?

Good thing I have another little boy on the way who will HAVE to let me give him tubby times!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18, 2012

Of course I love that Keric loves his Mommy so much! I have decided that there is nothing like a little boys love for his Mommy!

However, I also love that he loves his Daddy just as much! :)

Ever since Keric was just a little boy, he has LOVED his "Home Depot Dates" with his Daddy. In fact there was a time when we would go to Home Depot, and Keric would get upset that I was even there! He would tell me to "Go!" and "No Mommy!" the entire time we were there. It was very obvious that I was the third wheel, and was interfering with Daddy/Keric time!

So tonight when Chris said he needed to go to Home Depot, and asked Keric if he wanted to come, his little face lit up, and he hurried and got his shoes on, and of course had to get his hat on, because Daddy had his hat on. LOL

I do LOVE my boys!

February 17, 2012

Today was one of those days that probably could have had LOTS of pictures...but I wasn't organized enough I guess to take them.

After I picked up Keric from school this morning, we had lunch and headed into SLC for my 2 week appointment. It was a couple days early because Monday is President's Day and Tuesday my Dr. is out of the office, so we opted for a Friday appt.

Carson is STILL breech, and the ultra sound showed that he is in the 90th percentile for weight, and to make strike blood pressure was WAY high today! :( Higher than it has been since my first trimester. Bummer! I didn't have any protein spilling from my kidney's so that was at least good news!

Dr. Holmes said that she is going to give Carson a couple weeks to turn on his own since I do have some extra fluid there is still a chance that he will do it on his own. If he doesn't...then I may have to have him turned manually, and of course the possibility of a C-section is still there because of his size, but she said she won't do anything until at least 37 weeks.

As far as my blood pressure, I have to start making trips to Wal-mart to check it regularly, and if it continues to be high...I'm probably looking at bed rest! I seriously SUCK at this pregnancy thing!

After the Dr.'s office we ran some errands. We have so much to do, and we don't make it to SLC very often, so when we do we try to do marathon days, which my body doesn't like very well...but we did get a lot done, and I survived all the walking around and shopping. :) Pretty sad when your husband is willing to shop, and YOU are the one wishing you could just sit down and take a nap somewhere. *sigh*

While we were at Sutherlands looking at Tile for the bathroom and carpet remnants for Cameron's room, Keric said "Mommy! You just for to take a picture of me!"

The boy never ceases to amaze me! Apparently he has caught on to the fact that I take a picture a day. Thankfully he reminded me to take a picture yesterday. LOL

I said "You're right, I haven't taken any pictures today. I will have to do it!" He said "How bout you take a picture of me right here." LOL So thats what we did. How could I NOT have this as the picture of the day? :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16, 2012

Go figure...I deep clean my house, actually start to feel like maybe, just MAYBE a baby could actually live here, and people start getting sick! Guess I should have left my house a pig stye!

Last weekend Cameron was complaining of a sore throat and cough. He hasn't mentioned it again for a few days, but the other day Chris said his throat was feeling a little scratchy. Great!

Poor guy hasn't been feeling well for a couple days now and on top of the scratchy throat and sinus crap, he ended up getting a migraine today too!

Keric..well he isn't a complainer, but once in awhile he will say something about not feeling well, having a headache, fever, or something! I'm never sure if he is just repeating something he has heard somewhere else, or if he really doesn't feel good. Usually I can respond with, "Well maybe you need to go to bed then so you can feel better." and if he says "OK" then I know he really doesn't feel well, but if he says "I think I'm feeling all better now" I know he is just pulling my leg.

Me...well I'm just pregnant! I guess I am to the 2nd phase of exhausted all the time. I have a little bit of a stuffy nose, but I'm mostly just tired, nothing too serious.

So when Keric asked me if he could just wear his jammies today and not clothes, I said SURE...! We can have jammie day at home.

I kind of do think he honestly doesn't feel very well. He has been extra snugly on the couch today, not wanting to leave my side at all, he is FREEZING cold, His little hands and feet are just ice cold, and he was more than happy to go up and take his nap today, which was about 3 hours long!!

He asked me for medicine a few times today, but thankfully he doesn't have a fever or anything. I told him medicine was only for fevers and I assured him he didn't have one of those. He then told me he was sure that if I gave him some soda, his tummy would feel much better! HA!

I hope that whatever it is that we seem to have AGAIN...goes away quickly, and STAYS away! I'm just thankful this bug didn't come with any of the "throw-ups!" Or at least it hasn't so far....!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012

When I was a little girl my Dad used to tell us that he could tell how tired we were just by looking in our mouths. He would line us all up, have us say "awww" and then respond with things like "Oh my goodness, I can't believe how tired you are!" Being the trusting person that I am I fully believed that my Dad could tell how tired I was just by looking into my mouth.

I don't know how old I was before I finally figured out that my Dad could NOT tell how tired I was by looking in my mouth...but I kind of have a feeling I was rather old. Yeah...I'm not only naive...I am way too trusting, even still to this day!

Just like the "big spoon" this little trick has been used in our house many times. Thankfully Keric is just as trusting as I was. :)

Tonight when we told the kids to go upstairs and get their jammies on, Keric came and climbed up in Chris' lap and said "But Dad, I don't have so many tireds, see..." He then proceeded to open his mouth really wide so Chris could look inside and see that he wasn't tired.

Sadly however, Chris looked inside his mouth and saw that he was indeed tired, and so he very sadly and reluctantly went upstairs to get his jammies.

LOL I LOVE that little boy! He is so dang funny!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012 Happy Valentines Day!

I have had a love/hate relationship with this day for many years!

As a child I loved Valentine's day. I loved waking up in the morning and finding that the Valentines Day Cupid had left me a little heart shaped box of chocolates on my dresser, and that I was sure to come downstairs to some sort of yummy Valentine's Day breakfast. Then of course there were the fun Valentine's Day parties at school. All the little cards from friends in my class, and way too many cookies, chocolates, and other junk food!

As I got older, Valentines Day was more of a "Who is cool and who is not cool" day. I dreaded going to school and being one of "those girls" who was not called down to the office to receive her roses, teddy bear, and whatever else the girls with boyfriends had had delivered to them at school that day. It was always heart wrenching to watch those girls walking back from the office with their arms full of things and huge smiles on their faces.

I still remember the day I was a Junior in High school and my name WAS among the huge list of girls being called to the office to pick up Valentines. My Daddy had sent me flowers that year, and it was one of my best Valentine's days ever! I was so proud to walk down the hall with flowers from my Dad.

There were actually several years beyond that that My Dad sent me flowers on Valentine's Day. I remember working at State Farm and seeing the florist come through the door. I of course wanted to hope that the flowers were for me, but never got my hopes up too high. My Daddy always pulled through though. Even if that bouquet wasn't for me, the next one usually was! He was always well aware at how much I disliked Valentine's Day and always made it his mission to make it a much better day!

Then there were the years that I spent living away from home. My Mom always made sure to send me a Valentine's Day package filled with cookies from home, chocolates, and of course some kind of cute little Valentine surprise like a shoe, or some earrings. Bless her heart, my Mom STILL sends Valentine's day packages to all of us! I don't know how she gets them all put together and sent with all the other stuff she has to do, but it's a tradition I still love, one that Chris now loves, and my kids look forward to.

Now I am at a whole different phase in my life. I'm the Mommy and wife now and Valentine's day has taken on a whole new meaning...again!

I have had wonderful Valentine's Days for the past 6 years. In fact I think the last 6 years of Valentine's days have more than made up for the hard ones in my past!

This year was of course no different. I thought that I had had my Valentine's Day yesterday in SLC, but I should know by now, that's not how Chris works. I got up and got Keric and I ready so that he could go to school today. He of course was very excited to go to school because today was his Valentine's Day party.

After I dropped him off I ran to Wal-mart to get a couple things for dinner tonight. When I got home Chris had a Valentine waiting for me. Of course his card made me cry, along with chocolates and the Breaking Dawn movie. It was a nice surprise!

I picked Keric up from school, all covered in frosting and a red punch moustache, holding a huge bag full of Valentine's from all his classmates. When I got home I had Cafe Rio waiting for me for lunch along with laundry being done and an order to take a nap. LOL Like I would turn THAT down!

For dinner Chris made us all his famous Valentine's Day breakfast. This has been a tradition at our house for the past 6 years, and one that I don't think we will be able to give up. :) Chris made us all heart shaped Chocolate Chip Pancakes with strawberries, chocolate sauce, whip cream, and this year sparkling cider to drink. In years past we have had chocolate milk, but I found the cutest little champagne flutes at the dollar store, and decided to mix it up this year. :) The kids LOVE this meal, and lets be do the rest of us. :) I mean seriously, what's not to love!

After we put the kids in bed, Chris and I watched Breaking Dawn and then headed to bed. It was really a FULL and FUN day!

I truly am a very blessed woman. Probably more blessed than I deserve, but I'm certainly not going to complain!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!